Hi Utopia Community!
With the world in a current state of unrest, what we need more than ever is each other. And as Yoga means unity, we hope to be a place of community and peace for everyone.
We at Utopia would like to welcome all Ukrainian refugees with open arms to our yoga family. We will be giving all refugees free memberships so they can find a place of community and unity here. If you are or know someone who has sponsored a Ukrainian family or refugee that are interested in yoga, please contact us at info@utopiayogastudios.com
The free memberships are for both Västerås and Köping studios as well as online classes.
In addition we would like to share that Alexandra Kambler will be hosting a donation class for Ukraine on Saturday March 26th at 12:00 at Utopia Västerås. The class is free to attend and all donations will go directly to support for Ukraine. Book your spot by emailing Alexandra@dharmayoga.se or drop in!
No matter what challenges we face, we are always stronger together, so let’s hold out our helping hands to one another now more than ever.
Namaste 🙏
/Jerrica and Team Utopia